Now the title "Don't be so salty" suggests that I will be lecturing you on your emotions. Being a teenager, I doubt I have the qualifications to help you with such things. But maybe reading my blog would be a great way to come to terms with your salty side, and maybe you'll laugh once or twice along the way as well. (Please laugh I need the confidence boost)
I'm sure everyone has had a salty moment in their life. Think for a moment, back to a moment where you were particularly upset. Perhaps it was from sitting on the bench for all of a basketball game (Me). Or maybe it was from getting particularly unlucky in a game based on luck (Also me). Or maybe it's from something as basic as not having any ice cream left in the freezer (Yup, also me). Now, these don't seem to be very valid reasons to be pissed, upset, or salty. Well that's right! Most of the time, I use the term salty for many different feelings, such as being irritated.
This blog will mainly be about my salty moments, and how I turned these into funny memories.
This blog will mainly be about my salty moments, and how I turned these into funny memories.