Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Never Lucky

I'm trying to think of a name to call my readers. Maybe the salty spittoon? Assalt squad? Salty dogs? If you have any names let me know. 
DISCLAIMER: Okay, this post is gonna be about Hearthstone, which is a video game. If you don't like video games feel free to ignore this blog post. I'll try to make the next one more to a general audience.

Anyway, one of the largest sources of salty moments that I have had are from Hearthstone. "Hearthstone is a free-to-play digital strategy card game that anyone can enjoy. Players choose one of nine epic Warcraft heroes to play as, and then take turns playing cards from their customizable decks to cast potent spells, use heroic weapons or abilities, or summon powerful minions to crush their opponent." One thing the game doesn't speak of is the ridiculous amount of randomness (also known as RNG) in the game. For example, there are parts of the game that rely solely on random outcomes. They can be amazing, decent, or salt-inducing game-losing rage-causing outcomes. Most of the time, the randomness doesn't affect the game too much and nobody is terribly salty. But when I get that specific 1% chance outcome I was hoping to avoid, you can see why I would be mildly annoyed.

Some people say my salt isn't justified because it is just a game. Well, I am naturally competitive. So when I play a game I obviously want to win. And if that win is literally stolen from me because of a random outcome, I feel as though the salt is justified.

To put it in a better sense for those that don't play Hearthstone, imagine playing a sport. Football, basketball, volleyball, whatever. Now imagine you're absolutely demolishing the opponent. However, there is a new rule where the opponent can roll a dice. If they role a 6 they automatically win the game. If they don't you win. This may seem fine until you get a win stolen from you. And then the salt flows.

Of course, it's also a great feeling if you're the one getting the 1 in 6 and winning a game, but we ignore those cases because we can.

Sorry for the post that is directed at a specific audience. Just thought I would talk about a big salt producer in my life. Thanks for reading I guess.


  1. Why do you keep playing this "Hearthstone" if all you do is get mad at it? Whenever I get salty over something like a video game, I just smash my computer until it breaks, and then I don't have to deal with getting salty anymore. What do you think?

  2. I've played Hearthstone, and I can understand where you're coming from. For such a competitive game, it's amazing how luck-based it can be. What's worse is that when you get salty about it, your luck seems to go downhill. Making you more salty. Yeah, I can see this being, as you said, a big salt producer in your life.

  3. I've played Hearthstone in the past as well so I can relate. I would like to hear an example on something really bizarre that happened to you in a future post.

  4. I have no opinions about Hearthstone, but in terms of names for your readers, I like either "Assalt squad" or "Salty dogs." Then again, perhaps we could be "the Salt of the Earth."
