Thursday, November 17, 2016

Presidential Memes

So if you have a facebook, twitter, instagram, or any type of social media, you've probably heard of memes. Awhile ago I did a post on the presidential election and the memes we can take from it. Well now that the Cheeto puff known as Trump has somehow been elected, we have more memes!

Now saltiness is an understatement when I heard Trump won, and I'm sure many others share my feelings. Maybe this post will lighten your day.

It's the end of the 2016 presidential race and the people of the United States hated all the candidates so much that nobody voted. The government is in a panic trying to figure out what to do to decide who the next president will be. Finally, Barack Obama comes up with an idea: a literal presidential race. The three candidates would run a lap around the White House and the person with the best time would become president. Bernie Sanders goes first, but being as old as he is, he takes about 24 minutes. Trump goes next and arrives with a time of 14:26. Hillary Clinton goes last, running as fast as she can, trampling the flowers and shrubs in her way in an effort to beat Trump's time. She finally crosses the finish line at just under ten minutes.
"Aha!" She exclaims, "That must be some kind of record!"
"I don't think so," says Obama, "Bush did 9:11"

A plethora of memes are just a google search away! Here are a few of the best memes I've found of the presidential election:

Image result for joe biden memes
Image result for joe biden memes
Image result for joe biden memes

I also recommend watching two of Dave Chappelle's SNL specials on youtube. Here's two links:

As Obama said, the sun will arise rise in the morning, so let's stay hopeful that Trump doesn't screw up. And remember, just because someone voted for Trump doesn't mean they're racist sexist bigots. They have legitimate worries as well. There's enough hate in this world already, so let's be happy and enjoy some memes.


  1. Like many other people, I'm very worried about the future. I'm scared for myself and I'm scared for friends and family. So much that sometimes I don't even want to look at the news. But you're right--there's enough hate and anger already and we shouldn't add to it. I really like the Joe Biden/Obama memes because their expressions are precious. Good post, Austin!

  2. Man, I love Biden memes so much. I'm totally scared about the future now though-- my future. I hope things will turn out alright through and we won't regress as much as some people are saying. Good meme!

  3. Although I'm really sad that Trump won, I have to accept the fact that he'll be my next President. These types memes certainly do help numb the pain and prepare me for the transition from Obama to Trump.

    By the way, you should check this meme out:

  4. Biden memes are literally my life fuel. They are hilarious and Joe Biden himself is not bothered by them at all. I like how you talk about memes as a sort of coping mechanism. However the next four years will be crucial and it's our responsibility to be ready for whatever may come. Great post!
