Thursday, September 22, 2016

Salt of the Earth

Not too long ago I tried some Smoked Ghost pepper salt for fun. Here's a video of my salty reaction:

Anyway, this post will largely cover salt producers in social situations, such as social media or in real life.

One thing that really grinds my salt is when people mumble and then say "Never mind" when you ask them what they said. Because now you actually want to know what they said and they won't tell you. My friends and I call this "baiting". The person baits you into the conversation, reels you in, and then stops mid way. 

Or when they mumble, you ask them to repeat what they said, and they continue to mumble. Which means you have to act like you understood them otherwise they'll get self conscious and say "Never mind", but acting like you understood them when you really didn't also irritates me, so there really is no way to win. Sure, you could continue to ask them to repeat themselves over and over, but that becomes necessarily embarrassing. Surely some of you guys are guilty of baiting and/or have been baited.

This can happen over social media as well. When I say social media, I largely mean messaging apps like messenger, kik, iMessage, etc. One of my friends in particular is quite guilty of baiting. In fact, they probably get a kick out of baiting because they do it so much. I would say their quite good baiting, even a master at baiting, if you will. Anyway, here's an example of baiting over social media:

Friend: The craziest thing just happened!
Me: What is it
Friend: What never mind, I can't tell you
Me: Why not
Friend: It's a secret

Throw in a couple of emoji's and you have a prime example of baiting. You can probably tell why this gets annoying.

Does anyone else have these moments? I can't be the only one. If you have other examples of baiting causing salty moments feel free to let me know in the comments.

Thanks for reading.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Poor Austin! It seems like you're being very stoic in the video, but I can tell you're very uncomfortable. Extreme bravery for the purposes of a blog post. I'm curious where you got the Smoked Ghost pepper salt.

    Also, I'm with you on the "never mind" thing. That drives me insane.

  3. Sick video, Thats brave! I think I have the same friend that bates you ;). Saying nevermind is something I do sometimes, but when someone does it back I go crazy. Funny blog post!

  4. I think that a good solution to your baiting problem would be to stop being social. If you don't have any opportunities to get baited, then the baiting stops completely! I've been doing this for 18 years, to great success.

  5. The video was funny, like the length of it also. I imagine many can relate to your post its a pretty common thing but not many talk about it. Enjoyed the baiting master reference the most.

  6. I love your voice in this blog post. It's relaxed and it really sounds like you! Also yeah, I hate it when people... never mind, don't worry about it.
